OCTMS MUN courses are completed successfully by CIPTC
6月20日,经过一学期模联课程的学习, 中国(深圳)国际人才培训中心资深外教Elvira,在南山外国语学校(集团)华侨城中学,举行了一场别开生面的模拟联合国会议,也为本学期的模联社团课程画上了圆满的句号。
On June 20th, after one semester MUN courses, Elvira, a very experienced teacher from the China (Shenzhen) International Personnel Training Center, held a unique Model United Nations (MUN) conference at Nanshan Foreign Language School(Group) OCT Middle School, bringing the semester's MUN club course to a successful conclusion.
After the conference, Elvira designed a small but formal award ceremony to recognize and motivate students who excelled in the semester's courses and the conference. Certificates were awarded to the outstanding students.